Beta Gamma Sigma (ΒΓΣ) is an academic honor society for top business school students. How to Get a Fake Beta Gamma Sigma Diploma? Where to Buy the Beta Gamma Sigma Fake Degree? Buy Beta Gamma Sigma Fake Certificate online. Order the Beta Gamma Sigma Fake Transcript. Beta Gamma Sigma members reside in over 190 countries and there are more than 50 alumni chapters and networking groups located in major metropolitan areas and other regions throughout the world. These alumni groups provide ongoing educational and networking opportunities for members—both in person and virtually. On April 29, 1933, Beta Gamma Sigma merged with Gamma Epsilon Pi, a similar organization that had been formed to serve women. Gamma Epsilon Pi had been founded on March 26, 1918, also at the University of Illinois. Beta Gamma Sigma was older, by five years, and the Society retained its name.
Beta (Β) is the initial letter of the Greek word BEBAEOS, which signifies honor. Honor is personal integrity and excellence of character. It is an enduring quality found in all persons who deserve to lead others. All honorable persons conscientiously seek to recognize, to uphold, and to encourage that which is ethical and that which is just. Honor is a guiding star which encourages altruism, enlightened social responsibility, and service rather than selfishness. buy Beta Gamma Sigma fake degree, buy Beta Gamma Sigma diploma, purchase Beta Gamma Sigma BSc degree, buy US fake diploma. Gamma (Γ) is the initial letter of the Greek word GNOSIS, which means wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge tested by experience and tempered by discerning judgment. It abhors prejudice, it insists upon freedom of thought and expression. Persons of wisdom constantly seek a better comprehension and more fruitful application of what is known. They are also endlessly engaged in a quest for an understanding of what is unknown. Confronted by a veritable flood of facts and concepts, the person of wisdom exercises special discrimination to select, to arrange, to relate, to interpret, and to apply. This is a challenge worthy of the finest mind. Sigma (Σ) is the initial letter of the Greek word SPOUDE, which means earnestness. Earnestness is enthusiasm measured by achievement, disciplined by reason and ennobled by sincerity. It is that dynamic quality which is essential for all great achievement. Without Earnestness, both Honor and Wisdom lose much of their potential effectiveness. The greatest personal achievements are tributes to the blending of honor, wisdom and earnestness in the minds and hearts of those who lead. Rewards for the individual and progress for society surely proceed from this wholesome union of qualities.