Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, abbreviated TAR UC, is a non-profit, private university college in Malaysia. Tunku Abdul Rahman University College degree sample, TAR UC degree sample. buy fake Tunku Abdul Rahman University College degree, buy fake TAR UC degree, buy fake TAR UC diploma, buy fake TAR UC certificate, buy a fake Tunku Abdul Rahman University College degree. TAR UC is the only institution in the world to be accorded the exclusive privilege to run the Internally Assessed ACCA Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills level examinations where students of the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) programme are granted exemptions from all 9 papers of this level upon completion of their second year of study.TAR UC students under the Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) programme are granted conditional exemptions for all the 9 Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills level papers upon graduation. TAR UC has also been recognised as a CIMA Global Learning Premium Partner where students under the Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) programme are granted the maximum exemption of 11 out of 16 papers of CIMA.
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